How our tea is grown ?
Honest, natural and extremely close to nature is what you feel when visiting the tea gardens "Dong Son".
Every morning, after the fog fades out tea garden with beauty casual, cold air will be blended with the scent of tea, flowers, weeds ..., breathe an atmosphere saturated chest stretch, you will see a very beautiful day.
That is because the owners pay much respect it - according to its good points as a garden of ecological conditions for cultivation. The owners of the tea garden do not pay attention to the growth of only one farm produce but all kinds of plants. They do not use the industrialized mode to produce tea. That means tea garden expends inway of a garden in which many kinds of plants are growed in order to equilibrate the ecological environment.

The owners of the tea garden also pay high attention in protecting the source of underground water, cultivation in trapezium style, design the system to escape water. Besides, they grow many deep root plants, trees for shadow- to set up a fresh blue of the nature - in order to minimize the damage of the heat of the sun in dry season.

If you come from a farmer, or you're a nature lover, you will understand the value of what we are doing, our weeding by hand, when the season ends worker collecting dried grass, tree beans, corn ... cabinets on both original tea fertilizer to keep the soil moisture and reduce weed growth.

Tea Garden is divided into small plots, around trees and flowers planted to attract less pests and harmful insects. Moreover Acacia system not only shade but also features every year to winter were a leaf insects eat the feces waste and then fall down dead nutritious fertilizer for tea.

No one can shake wild animals lurking in the garden thanks to the owners' protection, too.
Our Oolong tea is evaluated good,clean and safe. From rare tea varieties,we plant ecological tea garden, process by hand which make precious Oolong tea with all-natural flavors. With the desire to develop a clean agriculture, let's createa Vietnam's agriculture with a clean and friendly environment!
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