Harvest Time: in Spring
Jade colored buds and leaves, with a small rolled balls like oolong tea.
Tea Liquor Produced an attractive golden to green tea with a very bright appearance.
Flavor: fresh, pure milk, light grassy, floral.
Taste Aroma was very much like a typical green tea. Main flavours were of vegetables becoming more floral in later infusions. Overall the flavour was pure but quite light similar to a Japanese Green Tea. Tea had little body but was sweet with no bitterness.
This tea is different from Huong Viet Oolong tea because It is fermented in lightly way .Shape of green oolong tea is similar to Oolong tea , it's baller like Oolong tea, very convenient for packing and shipping, no bran tea, the taste is great, when you make tea with glass pot, you can see tea leaves opening up nicely, each leaf intact not torn. Our green tea gets characteristic aroma of green tea, watercolor flexible, soup smooth, pure, fresh natural flavored with sweet and a little bitter of orange taste.
Due to the high technical requirements, it is difficult to do and requires high fresh tea, output of green tea product is relatively low.
Dong Son tea is packed small vacuum bag in white which is made from good material, thick enough to prevent from the light and air as well as help preserve the best quality of tea inside.
Our tea is evaluated good,clean and safe. From rare tea varieties,we plant ecological tea garden, process by hand which make precious green oolong tea with all-natural flavors. With the desire to develop a clean agriculture, let's createa Vietnam's agriculture with a clean and friendly environment!
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1. Simple way to make green tea
Green tea is a wonderful beverage with potential health benefits. But if you're not familiar with a few basic techniques, you can wind up with a tea that's grassy, bitter, or just too strong or you are busy. Don't worry, it's easy to make a perfect cup of green tea.
Step 1 : put tea into a glass ( about 2g )
step 2 : boiling water into a glass (water temperature of about 90-95 ° C)
step 3 : waiting 5-7 minutes
Let your tea cool down for a few moments and enjoy your perfect cup of green tea.
2. Traditional way to make tea
The short brewing time allows the sweet flavor of the green tea to come out without excess caffeine or tannin. Even those who are sensitive to caffeine can drink this type of our green tea all evening and still get a good night's sleep.
Water : The best water for making our green tea is spring water. If you don't have access to spring water, you can improve tap water by letting the chlorine escape before making tea.
Temperature : Water for making our green tea should be just below the boiling point - about 90 - 95 degrees Celsius or 195 - 205 degrees Fahrenheit. Rather than measuring the temperature, try removing it from the heat when the large bubbles are just starting to form.
Method :When the water has reached the correct temperature, a small amount is used to rinse the teapot and cups. Green tea is then measured into the teapot - usually to about 1/5 or 1/4 of the volume of the teapot. The green tea leaves are not handled - a scoop is used to put the tea into the teapot.
The teapot is filled about half-way with hot water. This first infusion is not for drinking - it allows the tea leaves to "awaken" and start to unfurl. It also removes excess dust from the tea leaves.Then poured out into the serving pitcher after about 10 seconds. The pot is immediately filled again for the first drinking infusion.
As the tea is steeping the liquid from the serving pitcher is poured into the cups to heat them up. This water is then poured over the tea pot to draw steam through the hole.
The first steep is quite short 50 to 60 seconds depending on the type and quality of the green tea. Making green tea is a delicate art and finding the appropriate balance between volume, temperature, and steeping time requires knowledge of the tea leaves. If the first steep is too strong or too weak, you can adjust the brewing time for subsequent steps.
The green is poured through the strainer from the teapot to the serving pitcher and then to the individual cups. The cups are arranged next to each other and the pouring is done in a continuous circular motion. This allows each cup to receive tea which is identical in taste and color.
After pouring the green tea the teapot can be immediately filled with hot water for the subsequent brew. Each brewing time can be slightly longer than the previous.
With a good quality tea, you can expect to get 5 to 6 brews before the tea starts to lose its flavor.
Pls see : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F3cix9J1EI&index=1&list=UULcH2NfnHyqSusBv8Df_iTw